Monday, 5 September 2011

Getting older.....

Having just had another birthday I started thinking about getting older and where the healthcare system will be when I am in need of it. As an educator I feel that I am in a position to influence the healthcare of the future, but we will have to work together towards a coherent vision for the future. Blogs and other social media are one way to generate ideas and vision - I plan to engage with others in similar educational roles and pursue a national conversation on nursing education and the key issues that excite us.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ruth,
    Me again... speaking of age, it is a bit of a culture shock to (1) set up a Google account and (2) post a blog. Because computers are largely easy to handle these days (doing this has, after all, made Bill Gates the richest man in the world), we forget how mind bogglingly complex they are. Before I could post my blog on your site, I had to get a chap from our IT services to talk me through getting my computer to accept cookies from the blog site. This involved, opening the browser, opening ‘Tools’, clicking on ‘Privacy’, clicking on ‘Advanced’, then over-riding my automatic cookie handling (not as much fun as it sounds) and then getting the machine to accept ‘First party cookies’. I wonder if this has left me susceptible to unwanted and sinister cookies?
    I wonder if this is one reason why there are so few responses as yet.
